- 威望
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- 注册时间
- 2021-11-5
合并两个Excel文档: 第一个文档如下: 第二个文档如下: 想要合并成下面图片的样子: 学习一段时间了,写了个python合并两个Excel文件的脚本,希望能帮助到像我一样的小白,代码简单,大佬勿喷。不足之处请您不吝赐教: 下面代码实现:
- """
- Date:2024/10/21 15:46
- File : MergeExcel.py
- """
- from copy import copy
- from openpyxl import load_workbook
- class MergeExcel:
- def __init__(self):
- e1 = "fileDirectory/excel1.xlsx"
- e2 = "fileDirectory/excel2.xlsx"
- self.wb1 = load_workbook(e1)
- self.wb2 = load_workbook(e2)
- self.sheet1 = self.wb1.active
- self.sheet2 = self.wb2.active
- self.insert_row = 99 # 这里设置从哪行插入第一张表的数据 或者 self.sheet2.max_row + 1
- @staticmethod
- def copy_style(source_cell, target_cell):
- if source_cell.has_style:
- target_cell.font = copy(source_cell.font)
- target_cell.fill = copy(source_cell.fill)
- target_cell.border = copy(source_cell.border)
- target_cell.alignment = copy(source_cell.alignment)
- target_cell.number_format = source_cell.number_format
- target_cell.protection = copy(source_cell.protection)
- # 使用openpyxl库的cell.comment属性获取单元格的注释。
- if source_cell.comment:
- target_cell.comment = source_cell.comment # 有批注的复制批注
- def apply_merge_cell(self, merged_ranges):
- for min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col in merged_ranges:
- self.sheet2.merge_cells(start_row=min_row, start_column=min_col,
- end_row=max_row, end_column=max_col)
- def copy_value_style(self, source_start_row, source_end_row, source_start_col, source_end_col, target_start_row,
- target_start_col):
- for row in range(source_start_row, source_end_row + 1):
- for col in range(source_start_col, source_end_col + 1):
- source_cell = self.sheet1.cell(row=row, column=col)
- target_cell = self.sheet2.cell(row=row + target_start_row - source_start_row,
- column=col + target_start_col - source_start_col)
- self.sheet2.cell(row=row + target_start_row - source_start_row,
- column=col + target_start_col - source_start_col).value = source_cell.value
- self.copy_style(source_cell, target_cell)
- def copy_stats(self, source_start_row, source_end_row, source_start_col, source_end_col, target_start_row,
- target_start_col):
- merged_ranges = []
- for merge_range in self.sheet1.merged_cells.ranges:
- min_col, min_row, max_col, max_row = merge_range.bounds
- print(min_row, min_col, max_row, max_col)
- print(source_start_row, source_start_col,source_end_row, source_end_col)
- if (min_row >= source_start_row and max_row <= source_end_row and
- min_col >= source_start_col and max_col <= source_end_col):
- merged_ranges.append((min_row + target_start_row - source_end_row - 1,
- min_col + target_start_col - source_start_col,
- max_row + target_start_row - source_end_row - 1,
- max_col + target_start_col - source_start_col))
- self.apply_merge_cell(merged_ranges)
- print(merged_ranges)
- def main(self):
- self.copy_value_style(1, self.sheet1.max_row, 1, self.sheet1.max_column, self.insert_row, 1)
- self.copy_stats(1, self.sheet1.max_row, 1, self.sheet1.max_column, self.sheet2.max_row + 1, 1)
- # 保存工作簿
- self.wb2.save('fileDirectory/MergeExcel.xlsx')
- print("Done...")
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- merge_excel = MergeExcel()
- merge_excel.main()