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The High Performance HMI Handbook
The High Performance HMI Handbook
A Comprehensive Guide to Designing,
Implementing and Maintaining
Effective hmis for
Industrial Plant Operations
The High Performance HMI Handbook
A Comprehensive Guide to Designing,
Implementing and Maintaining
Effective hmis for
Industrial Plant Operations
First edition
Bill r. hollifield
PAS Principal alarm management consultant
Dana oliver
PAS Principal hMi consultant
Ian nimmo
President of User Centered Design Services (UCDS)
Eddie habibi
Founder and ceo of pas
PAS, 16055 Space Center blvd, Suite 600, Houston, TX 77062
c 2008 by PAs
All rights reserved Published 2008
Printed in the united states of america by 360 Digital Books Kalamazoo, MI 49009
Usage of photographs and diagrams is either attributed or claimed under the fair Use provisions of u.s.
copyright law.
This book, or parts thereof, may not be reproduced in any form without permission. The scanning,
uploading, and distribution of this book via the Internet or via any other means without the permission
of the publisher is illegal and punishable by law
For my parents, Joe and Leona, who provided me
with a wonderful, living example of
the benefits of love and hard work
For my wife and children, Elizabeth, David
and Katelyn. Thanks for allowing me to sometimes
get too involved in my work but always remember
that what I love most is you guys
For Barbara, my best friend and life partner,
who has supported me in all my undertakings
and has been faithful and patient
as i have traveled the world
For my parents, who never had the privilege of learning
to read and write themselves but instilled in their
eleven children the need for an education, a thirst
for knowledge, a strong work ethic
and above all kindness
Many people have significantly contributed to the High Performance HMI
body of knowledge, and deserve recognition and thanks for those
contributions. Here are a few of these people
Significant Champions of HMI Improvement and Contributors to the
Industrial HMi Body of Knowledge
R.W. Bailey
Angelo d'agostino
Nick dinadis
Jeff english
Jamie errington
Bridget Fitzpatrick
Lisa garrison
Mark green
Stephanie guerlain
John haji
Greg jamieson
Lothar lang
Chris miller
Dal Vernon reising
Dave strohbar
KimⅤ Incent
Mike wilson
The abnormal Situation Management(Asm) Consortium
EEMUA: The Engineering equipment and materials User Association
The honeywell Technology Center
The Instrumentation, Systems, and Automation Society (Isa)
Indispensable people
Jennifer Hicks, for tireless manuscript checking and editing
Table of contents
The history and current Status of the Industrial hmi
We begin with the origin and evolution of the industrial HMI. The positive
and negative issues posed by the introduction of the distributed Control
System (DCS)are covered. The current status of industrial HMIs is
characterized, along with clear justification for significant improvement
Fundamentals of HMi Design and Best Practices
The concepts and practices of proper hMi design are examined in detail
Good and bad practices are illustrated. Assessment methods for existing
systems are provided. Methods for providing proper process overview,
graphic hierarchy, and progressive exposure of detail are introduced, along
ith detailed design principles and examples. Proper physical console layout
and other factors are covered in detail
Design and Implementation of a High Performance hMi
a straightforward methodology is provided for the development
implementation, and maintenance of a High Performance HMI. The
methodology is useful for either new applications or for the improvement of
existing hmi
Control rooms, Abnormal Situation Management, and the Future of the
Industrial hmi
The effect of the control room environment on operator effectiveness is
detailed. Proper and improper practices and design considerations are
covered. The principles of proper Abnormal Situation Management and
human performance are explained. The future direction and capabilities of the
industrial hmi are predicted