kindiaing 发表于 2023-12-21 09:43
我只是路过打酱油的。smile 发表于 2023-12-21 10:09
强烈支持楼主ing……extinction 发表于 2023-12-21 11:14
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.抹杀高姿态 发表于 2023-12-21 13:49
强烈支持楼主ing……淡蓝恋秋A 发表于 2023-12-21 14:26
强烈支持楼主ing……lxyx 发表于 2023-12-21 23:32
看看extinction 发表于 2023-12-22 00:19
Sometimes things go better when you just say no.assuage 发表于 2023-12-22 00:25
The best state of life is to be stupid.patriotic 发表于 2023-12-22 11:24
It isn't what we say or think that defines us, but what we do.carpet 发表于 2023-12-22 19:12
It is always darkest just before the dawn.