quirky 发表于 2023-12-1 11:06

Since 1921, the Communist party of China has gone through a glorious history of 100 years.聽

solitary 发表于 2023-12-1 21:55

Sometimes the world seems against you. The journey may leave a scar. But scars can heal and reveal just where you are.

automa 发表于 2023-12-2 11:04

Tears will never help.

craze 发表于 2023-12-2 19:08

The test of the morality of a society is what it does for its children.

yjs 发表于 2023-12-2 21:01


ooouuu 发表于 2023-12-3 11:04

At the place we don't know, there is always some sadness we haven't seen.

jialejun 发表于 2023-12-4 17:07


imJackJia 发表于 2023-12-5 08:58


hu123 发表于 2023-12-5 10:22


yhage 发表于 2023-12-5 10:32

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